Monday, March 26, 2012


I cleaned part of the house today.

And then laid on the floor with my back all twingey and funny.

Alternately grinning like a fool that 40 has wrought such changes as this, and having a bit of an ol' pity party.

36 and rainy didn't help matters.

And since I've given up cheese and bread these days, neither did my yearning hunger for a grilled cheese.

I settled for a drive down the creek.  You know, move on out when settling into the mood is working too well.  It worked wonders.

Drove ALL THE WAY down that creek from over near Penn to 35.  CBA, I drove by your first house and smiled.  Then wanted to lay down on the ground a have a little cry.

Good memories.

Good times.

So, my house has parts of it that are shiny and sparkly.  Just not all.

Tomorrow a new day.  And I must tackle the floors.  My kitchen, you ask?  Unspeakable.  The girls have been cooking.  Enough said.  Oh, the girly girls.  Mayhem and flying flour.

Aren't you glad to know my monotony.  I've got nothing else.  And this must suffice.

I think I might need the "quiet old lady whispering hush" tonight.  :)

Gogo, you aren't old enough and your room isn't green, but you could say that to me.  Or hand me a red balloon.  That's cheerful.



1 comment:

Christine said...

My home is only partially shiny, too and I'd much prefer a stroll {Houston weather} OR a drive{Minnesota weather} down the creek. Ya know...when Ian was last in Mpls, he drove my the Minnehaha house and DID, in fact, have a cry. Tears of joy and remembrance. That was the BEST time of our lives. In part {great part} cuz all you alls {thats southern for you} were a part of it!!! Missing you. xoxo