Thursday, March 22, 2012

whoa, nellie

This week is flying.

Why is that news to me?

Thursday doesn't have many songs written about her.  Poor girl.  I think she's over-shadowed by Friday's end-of-week glory.  And Wednesday makes the world hopeful for two days later.

Thursday is a bit like November to me.

But she's a stunner, nonetheless.

I think I'd like to be a November or a Thursday, really.  The quieter one who is so pretty on the inside outside and when you pay attention: whoa!

I'm not really quiet, though.  Sort of like I don't have curly hair either.

November would be smart enough to like herself no matter her falling in the months.  Thursday would know she's placed just right, I think!

Wow.  Where did that all come from?  5am is truly my friend.

The week is spinning to a close, and tomorrow is a big day!  JEB TURNS 14!

We measured ourselves in the mirror the other night while Luke stood by for the required commentary.  I'm  b a r e l y hanging on as taller.  And my shoulders are way waaayyy w a y slimmer than Jeb's.  It is so amazing to watch your son turn into a young man.  The physical changes are astonishing.   And fun!  And the inner work going on is breathtaking.

My Jeb is such a special guy.  He's a joy-bringer.  So blessed to have him as our son.

Where did 14 years go?  He was just a wee one smiling in his first moments...

Thursday, November, 14, Jeb.  See that progression?

Totally makes sense.  :)

1 comment:

Christine said...

We cherish FOURTEEN years of memories of our buddy Jeb. May tomorrow be a sweet celebration of God's faithfulness in his life. Happy day, Jeb!!!